Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Describing Place

Descriptive text is describe a particular person, place or thing (Rudi Hartono, 2005 : 6). The purpose of a descriptive text is to tell about the subject by describing its features without including personal opinion. There are important parts in descriptive text that must be taught as follows :
a.       Social function

The function of descriptive text is to give information. Contextual factor or social context of this text is describing things. Can be person, animal, or place (a specific thing like our friends, or person who we know them well). The social function of descriptive text is to describe a particular person, place, or thing (Rudi Hartono, 2005:206)
b.      Generic structure

The genric structures of descriptive texts are identification and description which identifies the person, place, or thing to be described and description which describe parts, qualities and characteristics (Hartono, 2005: 7).
The generic structure of descriptive text:
Ø  Identification: Identifying the phenomenon to be described
Ø  Description: Describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, and characteristic.
A typical descriptive text has an opening paragraph introducing the subject of the description; followed by a series of paragraph, each describing one feature of the subject. There can be also a final concluding section that signals the and the description.
c.       Language features

The linguistic features of descriptive texts are focused on specific participants, use of attributive and identifyng process, frequent use epithets and classifier in nominal groups (Hartono, 2005: 9). The vocabularies, which are often used in descriptive texts are words that are related to name of place: location, purpose, beneficial, presentation, and evidence of today, which are needed (for building). For animals, the words which are used arew words which describe clasification, presentation, habitat, behavior, life cycle and beneficial. Language, which is used the neutral objective language
Descriptive texts often used one of the forms bepresent or past, and one of the forms have. Tenses which are often use are present tense, but sometimes past if there are things, which are described had lost (nothing again). Passive forms are often used too. Describe texts are often completed with photo, diagram, map, etc.  

      Action Verb
      She drinks a glass of milk every day.

      Simple present tens
       have a favorite teacher.

       Ayu is beautiful woman.

      Relating Verb (It gives the information about the subject)
      Seohyun is a singer.
      Feby has a popular name in campus, Eby.

My Bed room

My name is Restika and I would like to describe about my bedroom. This is a picture of my bed room, it seems messy because I have not yet tidy up.

In my bed room there are a few of facilitates, such as bed, cupboard, table used for study, a fan, etc. The color of my bedroom is green and I have bed sheet is also green. There are some love cushions and a blue bag on the bed. Beside of the bed there is a cupboard for my dresses. On the wall there is a frame with the  picture of flower on it. The floor is white. I always spend my free time in my bedroom for sleeping or studying.

The Assignment!

Ø  Take a picture of your bedroom
Ø  Make a descriptive text at least two paragraph about your bedroom
Ø  Send your assignment in ratna.sHarie@yahoo.co.id
Ø  It should be submitted on February 10th 2013